Posted on 24 Feb 2023

The 1st Italian Medical Writers Conference, 6th March 2023

There is an undoubted cultural link among people living in the same country. This connection is even stronger when citizens work in the same sector. Getting to know each other, sharing general and specific knowledge, and chatting about resolving common problems can create a network of friends and potential business partners. A robust and active network offers strength in numbers. For common objectives such as promoting the medical writing profession and ever-improving the national recognition of medical writers’ contribution to science, national initiatives in the local language can and should, be exploited.


When three medical writers from Italy met at an EMWA conference, all felt an immediate shared sense of belonging. We, therefore, created an event, “The medical writing profession in Italy: creating a national network.” We endeavoured to reach out to aspiring and current medical writers, scientific communicators, university researchers, clinicians and scientific journalists living and working in Italy or beyond. From international and national perspectives, various aspects of the medical writing profession will be openly debated.


Whether our expected outcome of greater exchange and knowledge sharing is achieved will be revealed during and after the event to be held at Mario Negri Biomedical Research Institute in Milan on 6th March.


If you want to reach out to the Italian Medical Writers group, shoot us an email at