Professional, Corporate and Student membership options are available

Professional membership - €130 per year 

10% discount on your next annual membership fee if you refer someone using the referral scheme.a


Corporate membership - discounts from 10-17.5% per year 

Available to corporations providing membership to at least 3 named employees: discounts apply to membership fees and face-to-face conference conferences.b

Please email Head office for further details.

Student membership - from €35 per year 

Available to students currently in full-time education or students who have been in full-time education within the past 12 months.c

Please email Head office for further details.

This discount is only valid for a maximum of one new member per year and a full year’s subscription must be paid by the new EMWA member before the discount can be given to the referrer. Please note that discounts are not cumulative, nor can they be rolled over into subsequent years – i.e. the maximum discount possible in any given year is 10%. A new member can be completely new to EMWA or they may be a lapsed EMWA member who has not been a member for a minimum period of 3 full years (i.e. 36 months) in order to be considered a 'new' member again. 

Discounts start from 10% for 3-5 named employees, rising to 15% for 6-10 named employees, and up to 17.5% for 10 or more named employees.

Student membership benefits also include discounts on face-to-face conferences and workshops. 


EMWA is the European Medical Writers Association. EMWA is the network of professionals that represents, supports and trains medical communicators in Europe. It is a not for profit organisation that is run for its members by its members.

The European Medical Writers Association was founded in 1989 by a small group of professional biomedical communicators with academic, industrial and journalistic affiliations. EMWA has grown since then and now has over 1,000 members from 39 different countries (including 12 countries outside Europe) and includes academics and professionals working in-house or freelance for pharmaceutical and medical communications companies, research institutes, and in the field of scientific journalism.

Dr Helen Baldwin, a Past-President of EMWA, was interviewed on the subject of medical writing in general and EMWA in particular. This YouTube video is a perfect introduction to both areas.



EMWA is a great place to pick up the skills needed to broaden your horizons as a medical writer.

EMWA's aim is to provide educational and social networking opportunities for its members. It offers a broad variety of medical writing courses that cover topics including:

  • writing and English language skills
  • statistics for medical writers
  • medical science and pharmacology
  • medical writing in drug development
  • writing manuscripts for publication
  • writing for medical communications
  • design and reporting of clinical trials


The forum for training with EMWA is its annual conference, held in a different European city each spring, which provides a wonderful opportunity for networking, plenary lectures on key topics, strengthening your writing skills and sending out feelers to get a sense of other areas you might have been contemplating exploring as a writer. A shorter conference is also held each autumn.

The EMWA Professional Development Programme allows you to build up professional development credits, which appear in a personal training record accessed through the website. By gaining 8 credits in the required combination you can apply for an EMWA certificate, which is a valuable addition to your CV. EMWA provides high quality training by instructors with years of experience as medical writers. The courses offered are selected carefully by the EMWA Professional Development Committee, and all courses are adjudicated by participants to verify their quality and usefulness. We try to cater to a broad audience of writers and are constantly tailoring and expanding our course selection to meet the needs of the members.

EMWA's hallmark: commitment to its members

EMWA is an organisation run for its members by its members, and we actively encourage and seek out participation from all our members. By joining us you can have a voice in how the organisation is run and the benefits it provides.

The professional benefits of EMWA membership are accompanied by the personal benefit of having the chance to meet and make lasting friendships with people who share common interests. In addition to this, EMWA members receive the organisation's official journal,'Medical Writing', four times a year.

If you are a biomedical communicator, whether just starting out or a veteran of many years, you are heartily invited to join us as a member of EMWA.


EMWA Executive Committee (EC)

EC roles and responsibilities

Information on individual EC members

Elected EC job descriptions

Other Information

EPDP Committee

EMWA Rules of Association

A Career in Medical Writing