General Medical Writing

Albert T. Medical journalism. The writer's guide. Radcliffe Medical Press; 1992.

Albert T. Write effectively—a quick course for busy health workers. Radcliffe; 2008.

Goodman NW, Edwards MB, Black A. Medical writing: a prescription for clarity. 3rd ed. Cambridge University Press; 2006.

Grice J. Compliance, codes and communications. A practical guide to pharmaceutical marketing in the UK, with important European insights.Stanford Publishing Limited; 2009. Available from

Huth EJ. Writing and publishing in medicine. 3rd ed. Williams & Wilkins; 1999.

Rogers SM. Mastering scientific and medical writing. A self-help guide. Springer; 2007.

Schwager E. Medical English usage and abusage. Oryx Press; 1990.

Stuart MC, editor. The complete guide to medical writing. Pharmaceutical Press; 2007.

Wood LF, Foote MA, editors. Targeted regulatory writing techniques: clinical documents for drugs and biologics.