Posted on 26 Jul 2018

Exclusive webinar on writing guidelines

Our next webinar, exclusively for EMWA members, will be on the 27th July 2018 at 14:00 to 15:00 CET on writing guidelines by Andrea Rossi.

The Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) statement, issued in 2001, was the first example of a comprehensive and structured guideline including practical examples and a clear explanation of how to use it to communicate the results of randomized clinical trials (RCTs). In addition to these, different guidelines and checklists to use for the results of observational and many other types of studies have been published. The structure of CONSORT and STROBE guidelines will be reviewed in this webinar, which is a brief introduction to writing guidelines. The topic is covered more broadly and in more detail in EMWA’s workshop ‘Introduction to Writing Guidelines’.

If you wish to attend, you can register by following this link to the EMWA Webinars page. EMWA members should ensure that they are logged in when doing so.

Please keep in mind that our next webinar after this will be on the 28th August and focus on "Why you shouldn’t miss the next EMWA conference?" by Carolina Rojido & Laura C Collada Ali.